Thursday, October 22, 2009

Chad and I decided to take a couple of days off and go to Yellowstone. It was wonderful. The colors were beautiful, there were NO crowds, everything (most everything) was handicap accessible, and the stores were just getting ready to close until December so we got sweatshirts for half price.
We saw alot of wildlife: Elk, Moose, Wolves, and Bears. Did I mention that we went to the Wolf Bear Discovery Center. We did however see elk and moose in the Park. Kristi was disappointed she didn't get to see any Buffalo.....I don't know where they were hiding. We also saw lots of boiling pots and geysers and the most beautiful waterfalls ever!

"The miracle of the changing seasons...inspires feelings of love and reverence within us for God's marvelous creative handiwork." M. Russell Ballard


Brenda said...

I cn hardly believe that the beauty you saw is on the other side of the state that we live and it doesn't look anything like that. Fun trip!!! Kristi we have buffalo in Cheyenne....(and a fox right outside our door while Jazz and I were watching for the bus today!)

Mindy H. said...

What a beautiful trip! I'm glad that you got to take off for some quality family/nature time. You all deserve some relaxing moments after serving with us YSA hooligans for so long!

The Gracie Jones blog said...

What a beautiful place! I love Yellowstone, and it seems like you went at a really nice time. I can't believe you didn't see any seems like whenever we go they're everywhere!

Janiece said...

what beautiful pictures. Thanks for sharing.