Kristi was tagged by Abby and she believes she has to do this or she will be kicked out of the blogging world. So here we go.
Four shows you like to watch
1. (this is easy because Kristi does not like to watch any shows)
Four things you are passionate about
1. Family
2. Filling up empty water bottles
3. Locking all the doors at night
4. Hates to be late
Four phrases you use alot
1. Yeah right, good luck with that!
2. You're so cute! (this is to her nieces)
3.What's for dinner?
4. Be nice!
Four things you have learned from the past
1. Never have surgery
2. No matter how dark the night, the sun will come up in the morning
3. There is life after high school
4. There is life after young single adults
Four places you would like to go
1. Brasil
2. School
3. Bowling
4. Out to lunch
Four things you did yesterday
1. Helped dad make a trellis
2. Washed the car
3.Went to dinner
4. Watch my newphew and niece fly kites
Four things you are looking forward to
1. Summer
2. Having my brother and his family move back to Burley
3.Riding my bike
4. Babiesss arrive
Four things I love about spring
1. boating
2. camping
3.being outside
4. planting a garden
Four things on your wish list
1. DVD player
2. All my family home for the holidays
3. Having an Easter scavenger hunt
4. A nice warm sunny day